Welcome to San Diego Fish Reports

Welcome to San Diego's best source for local sportfishing information, including the latest fishing conditions, charter boat information, and San Diego's best sources for bait, tackle, and all your fishing needs.

Roger Eckhardt 16 Day

by INDY CREW / Independence Sportfishing
As we draw closer to home, everyone is savoring the well-deserved rest and relaxation. Today, Chef Ed and Chef Chuck truly outdid themselves with their renowned sushi spread – a fitting culmination to an incredible trip. Tomorrow will be our
(More...) (Thursday, February 6, 2025)

Nice Halibut on the Dolphin

by FISHERMANS LANDING STAFF / Fishermans Landing
The Dolphin returned this afternoon with 5 Legal Halibut up to 34 pounds and 18 shorts for their Halibut trip today with 32 anglers. Remember guys the Dolphin has a Halibut trip ever Wednesday.
(More...) (Wednesday, February 5, 2025)

Lets Talk Hookup

by AMERICAN ANGLER / American Angler Sportfishing
Catch Captains Brian, Ray and Griffin on Let's Talk Hookup this Saturday, Feb 8th, from 7-9am! If you don't already have it, download the app @ let's talk hookup.com
(More...) (Wednesday, February 5, 2025)

Last couple of fish before heading up the line

Last couple of fish before heading up the line. Allan with a 221 and Dylan with a 210 to finish up the morning . No other bites ,two bites , two fish. Looks like good weather the next couple days.
(More...) (Tuesday, February 4, 2025)

Lobster hooping!

by H&M LANDING / H&M Landing
The mighty Alicia has a lobster and crab hooping trip departing Monday at 6PM!  Book Here Most of our  multi-day schedules are up and ready to book!  Look for your favorite boats schedule here Book your next fishing adventure here  1/2 Day 
(More...) (Sunday, February 2, 2025)

Weekend Fish Counts

by OCEANSIDE SEA CENTER STAFF / Oceanside Sea Center
1/25/2025 - Southern Cal 1/2 Day AM Trip Anglers: 15 Catch: 50 Sculpin 20 Sanddab 1/24/2025 - Chubasco II 1/2 Day Twilight Trip Anglers: 15 Catch: 55 Sculpin 12 Sand Bass 1/24/2025 - Southern Cal 1/2 Day AM Trip Anglers: 16 Catch: 80 Sculpin 40 Sanddab 3 Whitefish
(More...) (Monday, January 27, 2025)

Sunday Night @ PLSF

by BIG HUNGRY / Point Loma Sportfishing
Daily Double is a WILL RUN for tomorrow morning departing @ 8:30am sharp.   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2025 Schedule The New Lo-An’s spring schedule for 2025 is now online (BOOK NOW) .
(More...) (Sunday, January 26, 2025)


by FISHERMANS LANDING STAFF / Fishermans Landing
1/26/25 The Dolphin PM trip had 8 sand bass, 9 sculpin, 11 white fish, and 1 thresher shark at 70lbs. for 20 anglers.   The Dolphin AM caught 28 Sand Bass,12 Sculpin, and 15 Whitefish for 18 anglers.   1/22/25 The Dolphin 3/4 Halibut Derby Trip
(More...) (Sunday, January 26, 2025)

Sunday Updates

by SEAFORTH STAFF / Seaforth Landing
Sunday Returning Trips The Tribute returned from their 1.5 Day trip with 40 Lingcod, 60 Vermilion rockfish, 50 assorted rockfish, 35 Whitefish and 25 Bonito for their 21 anglers. Their next trip is departing this Friday, January 31st and there are
(More...) (Sunday, January 26, 2025)

Bluefin or Bust! Departs Friday 1/24

by MIKE LOUST / Pacific Dawn Sportfishing
Blue fin or Bust leaving this Friday 1/24 at 5pm…don’t wait this one out! Need 10 people to go and I know there are quite a few of you itching to get out there. Don’t wait…go to fishermanslanding.com to book
(More...) (Tuesday, January 21, 2025)

Lake Jennings Fishing Report

by LAKE JENNINGS STAFF / Lake Jennings Staff
Stocking: Another 1,500 pounds of Rainbow Trout from Idaho was stocked last week. In addition, DFW brought us 600 pounds. That’s 2,100 pounds of trout last weekend! The next trout stocking will be the week of February 3rd where another 1500
(More...) (Thursday, January 30, 2025)

30th Annual Lake Poway Youth Fishing Derby

by LAKE POWAY STAFF / Lake Poway
It's almost here! The 30th Annual Lake Poway Youth Fishing Derby will be open to youth 15 and under on Saturday, February 1 from 6am to noon. Young anglers can show off their skills and walk away with cool prizes!
(More...) (Monday, January 27, 2025)

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